
Final Project Information (Fall 2024)

Schedule & Requirements


The goal of the final project is for you to build a complete system that accomplishes a realistic task while ensuring differential privacy. Final projects will be completed in groups of 1-3. The deliverables for the project will be as follows:

Schedule & Grading

The final project is worth 10% of your final grade. The schedule for final project deliverables, and the contribution of each one to the grade you receive for the final project, are as follows:

Deliverable Due Date Grade Percent Turn In
Project Proposal 11/22/24 by 11:59pm 10% Brightspace
Project Presentation Video 12/9/24 by 11:59pm 30% Brightspace
Implementation + Writeup 12/9/24 at 11:59pm 60% Brightspace

Graduate Students

Graduate students (and undergraduates taking the course for graduate credit) will be expected to develop a more ambitious final project (a more sophisticated algorithm or approach; a larger or more challenging dataset; or a more detailed analysis of experimental results).

Project Ideas

You’re welcome to work on any project interesting to you, as long as it’s related to data privacy. Suggested examples are below.

Summary and critique of a differential privacy guarantee (suggested option)

Analysis of a new dataset, with differential privacy (suggested option)

Sources of data

Analysis ideas

Implementation of a new differentially private algorithm (challenging)